The Anatomy of the Bridge Pool

In the vast expanse of the 3D City Metaverse, the bridge pool stands as a sentinel, ensuring the smooth transfer of 3DC tokens across chains. But what exactly is this pool, and how does it function?

Deep within the intricate architecture of the 3D City Metaverse lies the heart of our cross-chain operations: the bridge pool. This pivotal component ensures seamless, transparent, and efficient transfers of 3DC tokens across diverse blockchains. Let's delve deeper to understand its structure, function, and the brilliance behind its design.

Foundation of the Pool

Every blockchain in our ecosystem, be it Apex, Polygon, Injective, BNB, or ETH, interacts with the bridge pool. Envision this pool as a vast reservoir, meticulously designed to facilitate cross-chain transfers, ensuring the Metaverse's fluidity and coherence.

Size & Scale

While the bridge pool interacts with multiple chains, the total supply of 3DC tokens remains constant at 24 million. This ensures scarcity and value across all chains.

Locked but Ever-Vigilant

While tokens are locked during the bridging process, they are always ready for action. The moment a cross-chain transfer is initiated, these tokens spring into action, ensuring the operation's success.

The Bridging Process Demystified

  1. Initiation: Consider a user, "Tim", who wants to transfer 5 million 3DC tokens from Polygon to Apex.

  2. Lock & Load: On Polygon, 5 million tokens are locked, reducing its circulating supply.

  3. Release & Replenish: On Polygon, an equivalent amount is made available, increasing its circulating supply.

  4. Balance Restored: The total circulating supply across all chains remains constant at 24 million, ensuring the 3DC token's integrity.

For instance, if initially, there are 24 million tokens on Polygon and none on Apex, and Tim decides to bridge 5 million tokens to Apex, the new distribution would be 19 million on Polygon and 5 million on Apex. The total remains 24 million.

Safety Measures & Checks

In the dynamic world of blockchain, ensuring the security and precision of every operation is paramount. Our bridging mechanism is fortified with multiple layers of checks and balances:

  • Automated Audits: Each transfer activates an automated audit system that verifies the amounts locked and released, ensuring absolute accuracy.

  • Fail-safes: If a transfer encounters an issue, built-in fail-safes halt the process, ensuring the sanctity of the operation.

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