Blueprints & C++

3D City Metaverse is built on a robust foundation of advanced game development technologies, leveraging the power of both blueprints and C++. The development process of the game is a balanced blend of these two methodologies, with approximately 70% of the game being constructed using Unreal Engine's blueprint visual scripting system, while the remaining 30% is crafted using unique C++ classes.

Blueprints represent a user-friendly approach to scripting in the Unreal Engine environment. They provide a visual interface for creating logic within the game, allowing us to design and test game elements quickly and efficiently without writing any code. This intuitive system is ideal for prototyping, testing game mechanics, and iterating designs. Roughly 70% of 3D City Metaverse has been developed using this blueprint system, allowing us to rapidly prototype and refine various aspects of our game.

However, blueprints are not without their limitations. For more complex operations and performance-critical tasks, we turn to C++. C++ is a powerful and flexible programming language that gives us greater control over the game's functionality and performance. By writing our unique classes in C++, we can optimize the performance of our game, access advanced features, and create complex game mechanics that would be challenging to achieve with blueprints alone.

The decision to blend these two methodologies is a strategic one. By leveraging the strengths of both blueprints and C++, we can create a game that is both flexible and performant. The ease and speed of blueprints allow us to quickly bring our creative visions to life, while the power and flexibility of C++ ensure that our game can handle complex operations and maintain optimal performance. This balanced approach allows us to continuously innovate, iterate, and improve 3D City Metaverse, offering an engaging and seamless gaming experience to our players.

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